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Heart Failure is one of the most common disabling, expensive, and fatal medical conditions in Canada.​


For additional details regarding
the study, please see study 
NCT02012179 on 

The SODIUM-HF trial brings together health care professionals and patients across Australia, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Mexico, and New Zealand to uncover answers to important questions regarding salt intake and heart failure.  


Interested in learning more? The following links contain more information about heart failure.


Disclaimer: These websites are provided for informational purposes only; the SODIUM-HF trial and team do not endorse the information on these websites.


2016 Report on Health: The Burden of Heart Failure


Fundacion del corazon


Insuficiencia cardíaca





  • An increasing number of people are being diagnosed with heart failure in Canada.

  • 600 000 people in Canada have been diagnosed with heart failure to date.

  • Patients with heart failure are recommended to reduce the amount of salt in their diet, but the total amount of salt that patients with heart failure should consume per day is not clear.



The SODIUM-HF Trial was proposed to address this challenge. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the University Hospital Foundation (UHF), the SODIUM-HF Trial is the Study of Dietary Intervention under 100 MMOL in Heart Failure





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